Competition Law Compliance Risk Analysis Test

Please tick the answers that best apply to your business:

In our company, competition law trainings are regularly organized especially for managers and sales team.
Competition-related risk assessments were made in our company and competition compliance guidelines were prepared for our employees.
In our company, audits and detailed inspection simulations are carried out via e-mail, texting applications and other documents.
The number of companies in our company's sector is high or even if it is less, our company is not a leader in the sector.
We do not operate in any of the regulated sectors such as energy, banking, capital markets, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, automotive or defense.
Our Company is not in a dealership, franchise or distributorship relationship with other companies or persons.
Our company is not part of a group of companies operating in more than one field.
Our Company has disciplinary and incentive practices for competition compliance.
We were previously subjected to a competition investigation by the Turkish Competition Authority.
Our customers, financiers and partners include companies based in EU member states and the US.