Start Up
LEGE’s Start- Up and Venture Capital lawyers support innovation and entrepreneurship, so that we aim to help start-ups grow from inception to exit.
LEGE offer a range of start-up-focused toolkits with fixed fees. As each start-up is unique, we recommend only what is needed, based on its lifecycle stage, type of business and organizational requirements.
We also recognize that there are different types of start-ups with differing needs. We develop our toolkits with this in mind, offering different tiers of service and resources for different requirements and resources. Each Start-up Toolkit comes with a bundle of customized contracts and includes specific training modules and contact time with us for you to learn how the contracts work and how they should be deployed, as well as time to consult us on legal issues that you may encounter.
We take an interdisciplinary approach to counseling entrepreneurs and young companies, offering deep expertise in such vital areas as:
- Corporate Governance
- Patents and Innovation
- Employee Benefits and Compensation
- Employment Litigation
- Tax and Tax Equity
- Real Estate
- Finance and Structured Finance
- Fund Formation
- Mergers & Acquisitions